Saturday, December 18, 2010

Coyote Radio

We have a very important piece of hi-tech equipment outside, on our front porch. It is one weapon in our arsenal of equipment (along with a night vision scope and 1 million power spot light) used to spy on and alert us to attack. It is the all powerful, baby monitor!
Because we are raising tasty snacks like goats, chickens and Guinea hens, we are constantly watchful for foxes, owls, hawks, stray dogs, weasels, fisher cats, bears!, racoons, 'possums and last but NOT least, Mr. Coyote.
For those who have not heard the "call" of the Eastern Coyote, I can only describe it as blood curdling. It isn't at all like that of the Western Coyote..more like a combination of screaming cat being eaten by a laughing hyena. They are bigger a small German Shepherd. And they are very vocal..screeching loudly at 2:00 in the morning..."here we come to eat something, ha ha ha...catch us if you can."
Usually a quick dash onto the porch with the spotlight aimed at them is enough to scatter them off for a few hours...they are too smart to double back and will just wait until another time. But then back to bed I go and lie awake, waiting to hear the monitor broadcast another screech or scream.
All of this has led me to the murky world of late night AM radio. To calm my nerves and get back to sleep I eavesdrop in on the likes of Coast to Coast AM or Michael Savage (although he is as bad as the coyotes for my nerves), WBZ out of Boston, or WLS Chicago. Last night, coincidentally, I learned that a coyote!!! was rescued from the icy waters of Lake Michigan. Coincidence or conspirancy?
On late night radio I learn about alien invasion and abductions, all sorts of information on ghostly occurances, out of body experiences, mind travel, government AND anti-government plots, everything I ever wanted to know trivia wise, how to survive a nuclear attack (I already learned how to do this in 2nd grade..does that date me?), and of course minute by minute updates on the end of the world 12/21/12! I get the latest news?? on politics, religion, right wing, left wing doings and find out where I can buy prepackaged survival food and gear. whew. And, if that does not interest me,there are enough religious broadcasts that if , so inclined, I could get saved, damned, or doomed.
What I like is the idea that there are sooooo many people awake, listening and participating in this whole midnight culture. I feel like I am eavesdropping on some other world inhabited by a lot of people that look and act perfectly normal by day but let it all go after dark. I'm glad they are there to calm my jangled nerves after my encounter with the real predators in life.
I think I'll tune into my Coyote Radio again tonight.

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